MNTV Workday - Alderley Edge
Sunday 17 October 2021
09:30 to 15:00
Today we should have been heading to Speke Hall, however we have had a cry for help from Alderley Edge so you get a little longer in bed and you will meet at 9.30 instead.
Tim at Alderley says "The task is to remove all self sown Birch trees from an area which we cleared to encourage the heather & bilberry to return to, I`m sure you`ve worked this area before. Obviously no work was undertaken on this job last year so it`s important we get to grips with it again." Sounds like things have got a little wild there over the past year. Time for us to get our togs on and get over there.
Jenny will meet you in the Wizard Car Park at 9.30
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